Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Journey Continues...

I hate to report that my weight loss and exercise journey has seen a few significant bumps in the last six weeks.  Through holidays, travels, illness and general life stress I allowed my eating and laziness to prevail.  At times this was justified due to my health and a desire to rest and listen to my body.  Unfortunately, this led to a break in routines.  It continues to amaze me how easily the patterns created for years can be broken, but with the support of friends the return to the right path is never too far away.  Must keep it in my sights and continue to push toward it each day.  I can't focus on the 10-15 pound weight gain, but just making the right choices each day.  It is not about looking to the past but living in the present and seeing a bright future ahead.

On another life improvement subject, I have recently been given a reminder of how easily life in general can head off course.  I have certainly been guilty of traveling down the path of self doubt, self pity, feeling alone/lost and stressing about such things as work volume and customer complaints.  As my life has always had a knack for doing I am sent a signal that reminds me of the truly important things and I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the many life blessings.

Many times I have found myself in awe of individuals that among struggles find amazing strength.  I have often wondered how I would react in similar situations and whether I could truly display the amazing strength they possess.  I find them an amazing inspiration in my life, and gain eagerness to find ways to better my life and that of my children.  I believe heavily in an amazing goodness that can come from an interconnection between everyone, the impact that prayer, positive thoughts and a genuine interest to offer help to those in need.  We can all benefit greatly from putting our selfish desires, wants, insignificant stresses and focusing on the greater good.  Please feel free to join me on a path to make a conscious effort to be a source of light and goodness in this world.  I want to focus on making the lives of those around me better and greeting each day with love for life, family and each other.