Thursday, October 15, 2015

Let me Tell You a Story....

The individual stories that we have to share are not ones that we tell friends at a party or share over a cup of coffee.  The tales to which I refer are those that we witness in another persons life through our time together on this journey.  However, we sometimes miss the most important parts because we cloud it with judgement, assumptions and biases.

Try to stop and really soak in the magical plots that form through everyday living. If you open yourself to listening without your minds filters, you can witness some amazing journeys.

Every life has its own set of joys, sadness, hardship, celebrations and beauty.  They each have amazing lessons hidden in their happenings or the way in which the person confronts the occurrences in their life. Try not to be so wrapped up in your own story that you forget about the beautiful ones that are taking place all around us.

Whether a story is filled with adventure and living on the edge or working, taking care of house and family each has a value no different than the other.  If you open yourself to listen to their tale, the miracles of them all can be realized.

I am truly blessed to have a variety of people in my life that allow me to share their journey with them.  I have realized the value of friendship without judgement, bias and conditions.  I find it is a safe environment to share thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears.  It is a place where I feel truly honored to have traveled with others.  For there holds the magic, mystery and true excitement of their journey.
When you accept a person to share their stories without fear of rejection, judging and gossip you get to know them on a whole different level.  It provides the ability to support them, help them realize the beauty in their journey and celebrate it.

May you share your story with someone and listen closely to hear theirs.  It might not be heard from their lips but instead be laid out in front of you over days, weeks or years.  Be there to help them realize it, share it and rejoice in it.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Each Day is a Gift! Wake, Rejoice and be Present for it!

We hold onto the past, we worry about the future and often forget to enjoy this very moment.  To be present in life is a focus and rejoice in the now.  We can’t change the past and the future is not promised; however, this instant is truly a gift to be cherished.

Often I speed along time with our children because we are running late.  I distract myself from the now with electronic devices, news, social media and TV.  I know the same is true for friends and family.  I am no less guilty than another for wasting valuable, irreplaceable time living in the present before it becomes the past.  However, I am starting now to work on this. 

I have printed some quotes to keep myself mindful of my mission.  I am going to make a bracelet to wear that will remind me of this journey.  I have started practicing meditation again.  I know it is not for everyone, but it changes my outlook, my attitude and my whole life.  

Children live by the example we set as parents, and I am worried about the one that I often find myself living.  I want to take the extra time, even when it does not seem available, to spend listening to their stories.  I want them to realize that they are more important than the news, a TV show, the next item on my list.  I want to forget about the to do list and soak in the present moments with family, friends, etc…

I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams, and I want to start celebrating this in a more deliberate way.  If you would like to join me by taking your own journey into mindfulness, please let me know how I can help.  I am happy to share helpful quotes, tips and bracelets to help you remember that the present is where the magic in life resides. 

Don’t be too caught up in what happened yesterday or might be coming tomorrow.  Rejoice in the present and celebrate the miracle it holds.