Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Getting Stronger: Desires, Reality and Giving Thanks

This journey has had twists, turns, successes and slip ups.  I would love to say that I have learned the secret to success and lifelong freedom from my issues with weight.  However, I realistically know this is going to be an ongoing area of focus in my life.  One that I realize is worth my time, energy and effort.  

Although I am fit, healthy and thinner, I will have to maintain this lifestyle to stay here.  One of my goals is to build a lot of strength.  This is something I have always desired, but it will also provide some extra fat burning insurance, if you will. Never hurts to have a little help. 

With regards to my weight lifting I want to be clear on my goals.  I don't want to just lift weights to be more tone or in hopes of tightening up loose skin.  I want to lift heavy weights to see muscle growth and development or as much as I can realistically expect in my 40s and being a woman.  Yes, it is frustrating that this will happen along side the loose skin left from the years of mistreating my body; however, I won't let that deter me.  I want to be strong. 

As I see my body change with weight loss and now the beginning of my renewed focus on weight training there is some definite frustration surfacing.  I can't out run, out lift or wish away the scars of all those years of being overweight and unhealthy.  However, I am working hard to not give into it either.  I won't have the perfect body, but I am going to build this one that I have into the best one it can be.  

My life has developed a new speed to it, and I am in love with it.  I want to create a body that will perform at this speed as long as possible.  
There are some very special people in my life that deserve much gratitude for their role in this journey.  They know exactly who they are, and they also realize that their job is no where close to over with me.  Just as I needed your loving support, encouragement and sometimes tough love getting here.  I am going to need it more than ever to stay here and keep me on track for my next goal. This journey has been littered with amazing folks that have been my support when times got tough, my cheerleader when I didn't feel strong, and my rock. For them I am eternally grateful.

"Surround yourself with beautiful and positive people, who love you and believe in you." 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Progress: Keep on Lifting

The first time I set foot in a gym I was lucky enough to have a trainer at work to help me with form, technique and exercises to put together.  For a few years I enjoyed this luxury in the gym at work.  I was terrified to leave that security net when I moved away from Indianapolis, but I am happy to say that I have learned to do it on my own.  I do credit that foundation in my ability to do weight lifting with confidence.

On my path here there were plenty of times I did not walk into the gym with the confidence I have today.  I would shy away from exercises I did not feel confident performing in front of others or felt my form was a little shaky.  I am pleased to say this no longer hinders my workouts.  I get in there, pick my spot, move around as my workout prescribes and get it done.  I hold my head up high and find power in lifting those weights, seeing new muscle begin to develop and feel strength I did not have before.      
I have spent much of the last decade battling off weight that stuck around for way too long.  Now that I
have reached my original weight loss goal, although not where I want to stay, I am working on shaping and strengthening my body.  I have a new pace for my life and I love it.  To keep this going I feel confident that I need to build strength, support and a strong foundation for this body to keep up with all the plans I have in my head.  I don't want to slow down anytime soon and I want to take care of this body to get me as far as possible. 

This week I am wrapping up the first four weeks of my new strength training workout program.  It has been a bit messy and probably taken more than 4 weeks.  Life gets in the way from time to time, but just as I do with my eating, I get right back to it the next available chance. Most importantly I have gotten it done and see some definite changes already.  I can't wait to share my before and after pictures when the full 17 weeks is completed.  

I will keep you posted....