Sunday, May 8, 2016

Motherhood: The Hardest Job Ever!

This job takes a strong person to fill.  To do it well you must be willing to sacrifice your own wants and needs at times and most definitely forego sleep and beauty to get the job done.  It won't always be the most glamorous role, but the benefits are beyond amazing.  Being a mother has been the most difficult and abundantly rewarding role that I have ever had in my life.  This goes for being a mother to my children both furry and non-furry.  I have made sacrifices for them all, but the rewards have overwhelmingly exceeded them.

It never ceases to amaze me when I see my children and realize that I am responsible for that human being.  At times I just sit and watch or listen to them in sheer awe of the people they are becoming. However, I must admit that the amazement is not always in a positive way.  When they are being stubborn, gross or just plain difficult I think to myself how did I create such a pain in the a**.  Then I say a silent thanks to my mother for what she has put up with from me over my almost 40 years. Being a mother includes tears, smiles, joys, sorrows and every other possible emotion.  As a friend has often said it is like having your heart walk outside of your body.  I have never felt a love like that of being a mother.

As a mother I have come to appreciate my own mom in a totally different way.  I am in awe of all that she did raising the three of us.  Often I think about the adults we have each become and realize what a reflection that is on the parenting we received.  Definite credit is due to our mother and father for the life that they provided for us and the foundation they created for us to build upon.

I am honored to share my life with some pretty awesome mothers.  For sure we aren't perfect, but I believe that only makes us better.  We teach our children through examples that life isn't always simple, but that we have strength to figure it all out.  Mistakes are going to happen, but we love ourselves and others through them.  It is the raw beauty of life and being a parent that is the essence of this role.  I cherish the lessons I learn and the moments I share with others who call themselves Mom.

Today is a celebration of mothers and the amazing gift of their love, devotion and sacrifice.  There are many paths to becoming a mother, and each mom deserves a day to celebrate.  Make sure to tell your mother how much you love and appreciate her.  She is a huge reason you are here today.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Struggles of Starting Over

In some ways it feels like yesterday, but we moved our family to Virginia almost five years ago.  I never saw myself living in Indiana for 18 years, and I still find it hard to believe.  However, in those years I got to know some amazing people that changed my life forever.

I remember the weeks before we left Indianapolis being filled with old friends and spending cherished time with those closest to us.  We laughed, partied, shared memories and cried over goodbyes.  It was tough to leave them and begin this new journey; however, it was by far the best decision Kent and I ever made.  No matter what our future holds the benefits of moving our family to Virginia have been amazing.

This transition has not always been easy though. I spent a lot of time feeling homesick and wondering whether friendships would ever develop.  With time it has gotten easier and this is starting to feel like home.  Some good friendships are forming with some ladies that are amazing, strong and inspiring.  I am finding so much joy in creating these new friendships.  At the same time, I cherish every moment that I get to reconnect with an old friend.  Each one, old and new, is so precious to me.

It is kind of like that Girl Scout song that always seemed so corny, Make New Friends.  As I am making new friendships, I am still cherishing the old ones and all the memories we have.  I am grateful for each person that has shared a part of my journey and the contribution they made along the way.

I am excited about the journey ahead and the friends that are going to travel along with me, new and old.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Life is Good!

There have been more times in my life than I wish to admit where I step back and think well this is not exactly where I thought I would be or how in the world did I get here.  I have always been hard on myself.  Whether it is my parenting skills, my financial management or life balancing.  I can be awful about not giving myself credit for accomplishments.  However, I am learning to ease up a little.

Most of us are doing our very best at any given moment.  We all have our stellar phases where everything is in place, we are being our best selves and things are great.  This is balanced with those times where we are having a rough time, a pity party or things are just not quite going right.  I find that it is a mixture of it all that creates this amazing journey, and you just gotta take it all in stride.  Yes, that is easier said than done sometimes.

Take a moment to pause and look around.  Sure the path you have come from is not perfect, but it is littered with so many amazing memories.  Even in times of pain and difficulties there is beauty.  I continue to find amazing blessings hidden within the folds of my life.  It might be overhearing a conversation between my kids, the embrace of my spouse, a conversation with a friend or a loving memory that drifts into my mind.  Cherish these bright spots, even at times when you don't feel like your best self.

Sure I might look around sometimes and think this is not be what I pictured.  However, it always turns out to be exactly what I need.  I am thankful for the forces at work in my life that lead me to where I need to be, even though there are times I struggle to give into it.