Sunday, May 8, 2016

Motherhood: The Hardest Job Ever!

This job takes a strong person to fill.  To do it well you must be willing to sacrifice your own wants and needs at times and most definitely forego sleep and beauty to get the job done.  It won't always be the most glamorous role, but the benefits are beyond amazing.  Being a mother has been the most difficult and abundantly rewarding role that I have ever had in my life.  This goes for being a mother to my children both furry and non-furry.  I have made sacrifices for them all, but the rewards have overwhelmingly exceeded them.

It never ceases to amaze me when I see my children and realize that I am responsible for that human being.  At times I just sit and watch or listen to them in sheer awe of the people they are becoming. However, I must admit that the amazement is not always in a positive way.  When they are being stubborn, gross or just plain difficult I think to myself how did I create such a pain in the a**.  Then I say a silent thanks to my mother for what she has put up with from me over my almost 40 years. Being a mother includes tears, smiles, joys, sorrows and every other possible emotion.  As a friend has often said it is like having your heart walk outside of your body.  I have never felt a love like that of being a mother.

As a mother I have come to appreciate my own mom in a totally different way.  I am in awe of all that she did raising the three of us.  Often I think about the adults we have each become and realize what a reflection that is on the parenting we received.  Definite credit is due to our mother and father for the life that they provided for us and the foundation they created for us to build upon.

I am honored to share my life with some pretty awesome mothers.  For sure we aren't perfect, but I believe that only makes us better.  We teach our children through examples that life isn't always simple, but that we have strength to figure it all out.  Mistakes are going to happen, but we love ourselves and others through them.  It is the raw beauty of life and being a parent that is the essence of this role.  I cherish the lessons I learn and the moments I share with others who call themselves Mom.

Today is a celebration of mothers and the amazing gift of their love, devotion and sacrifice.  There are many paths to becoming a mother, and each mom deserves a day to celebrate.  Make sure to tell your mother how much you love and appreciate her.  She is a huge reason you are here today.

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