Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Future I Hope For

This started as a simple text to a friend about some of my recent thoughts; however it kept building into more and more thoughts.  And then it grew into a blog entry.These are just my ramblings about what I see in the world and my hope to raise two members of the next generation to live with different intentions.

I have been thinking a lot about life, what the role of society is and how things impact us. It has left me wondering how I want to raise my kids so they may live with true happiness and as a positive force in the universe.  It is a lot to think about.

I don't feel that true happiness comes from a job, wealth or material possessions.  I have been blessed to realize early in life that my true bliss comes from those I share my life with and the experiences that I have.

I have witnessed people striving for more, working their days away to obtain a promotion, boss' approval, etc.. They miss important events with their children and time together with their families. It seems to be an imbalance in what truly matters.  I have seen it play out in life that work will go on without you. Although it is important to work hard and do your best, it should not surpass those you love or life experiences with its importance.  In the end, it is just a job.  Do your best but allow it only the time it deserves.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories or crazy paranoia fueled by fear; however, I do think there is some truth in the fact that we have trapped ourselves with money, jobs, etc..  Too many people live to work and allow the perceived expectations of society or others dictate their actions.

I don't believe it is feasible to change the masses or even provide enlightenment to everyone I know. However, I do hope to raise my children to realize that a work/life balance is a must.  I want them to take the opportunity while they are young to wander, explore and embrace the world.  I feel strongly in giving them experiences and not material things.  My success as a parent will be measured not by the job they obtain or their starting salary.  It will be determined by the way they experience the world, treat others and live their lives.

I hope to raise them to love nature, embrace the energy of every living being, be kind, generous and caring to all that they meet and live life fully with great happiness.   The world is certainly not perfect, but it is better for good people to spread positive energy and hope then to hide in fear or despair.  I am hopeful that both of my kids will be a positive force in the world, even in the face of challenges and uncertainty.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Love Yourself

You aren't going to change overnight.  The 20 pounds you would like to lose isn't going to disappear just because you wish it away.  Nor will you change the shape of your eyes, the wrinkles that represent a life well lived or the extra skin your children so lovingly left after their births.

Every part of our imperfect bodies is beautiful and sacred.  Try to embrace, love and cherish the amazing body you possess.  It might not be what you envision as perfection, but it is perfectly you. Work each day to care for, nurture and treat your body well.  It is the only one you will be provided and the better you treat it the more efficiently it will work for you.

Try not to slip into negative self talk, compare your body to that of others or set unrealistic expectations for yourself.  Express gratitude for all the amazing things your body does each moment to provide you the ability to move, see/hear/taste things and experience life to the fullest.  Whether you are tall, short, a size 2 or 22 you are perfectly you.  Each of us is amazingly unique and beautiful.  Don't let anyone or even yourself tell you otherwise.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A New Perspective

Life is full of twists, turns, ups and downs.  The ride can at times feel exhilarating and full of promise.  At other times it feels like it is one bump after another.  The fact is that life is going to be unpredictable.  The key to living the best life I can appears to be located in how I deal with these situations that life throws at me.

Image result for serenity prayerI am the first to admit that my coping skills have been lacking from time to time.  Instead of taking to heart the Serenity Prayer, I have stressed, fussed, moped and been generally unhappy when things weren't perfect.  Oftentimes I would be on edge and argue about surprise expenses, consider myself cursed when medical conditions arose and stress over unfinished work. I am working hard to change my focus and approach life with a new strategy.

The events of the last two weeks have meant new debt, a maxed out medical flexible spending account and the recurrence of a medical condition that I never expected to face again.  Typically, this would have sent me into a corner to cry. lick my wounds and attack anyone that came near.  However, my reaction to all of this has been very different.

I am not sure what to credit my new found attitude on, but it is welcome to stay forever.  With each of the six challenges that was placed in my path; I inspected it, determined what areas I could impact and moved forward with a plan.  It was from a logical and rational part of my mind that I moved through these events and not the typical overly emotional side.

I have certainly had my bad moments, but they have been short lived and not a place from which I made decisions or judged the overall situation.  I believe that being angry about a situation, sad about a struggle or upset over an outcome is perfectly normal.  We each need that time to get it out; however, it can't be the place where we remain.

It also helps to put everything in perspective.  Life is not going to be perfect all the time and we all have our struggles.  However, to be alive and well is truly an amazing blessing.  I hope to waste less of my time wishing things were different and more of it formulating a plan to live the best life I can.

It feels refreshing to look at challenges and struggles in a new way.  I look forward to finding new ways to approach life that will challenge me to think differently.