Monday, November 17, 2014

Wow I Have Come A Long Way!

As I was reading some posts online, I began to realize changes that have occurred without my being fully aware of them. The last seven years have seen a lot of transformation in my life, and the physical changes have been obvious.  However, there has been a mental shift that I was not as aware had occurred or maybe just not to the extent that it had.

There was a post about someone making less than the best choice for dinner and how it made them want to just throw in the towel.  Oh I remember those days, but I did not realize how far back they were in my past.  I no longer look at each decision, choice or meal as a make it or break it moment.  The total picture, the full journey is what this is all about. I will go weeks sometimes where my eating is not 100% where it needs to be.  I will gain some weight, but this no longer means total defeat.  If this is going to be a lifelong process, I am going to give myself those times and certainly not make a big deal out of them.

When I look back into the past at my failed attempts or losses that did not stick they are often marked with allowing myself to feel guilty or defeated.  I would beat myself up over choices that were not right. I can definitely say that this did nothing but bad things for the progress toward my goals.

I don't know when the shift happened but it has.  I am grateful that today the big picture is my focus. I am more realistic now and realize that I am not going to make the best decisions all the time.  However, I know not to totally lose sight of my mission, and when I do actually think about the decisions I am making that the focus is on health and fitness.  

I did not get obese by one bad decision, and I am not going to become fit and stay there by making just one good choice.  This is a work in progress.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Truly Inspiring

Recently I started searching for new areas of support, motivation and encouragement in this weight loss journey.  What I found was amazing and truly inspiring.  I found online community one after another filled with people just like me.  Some of them are just starting out on their weight loss and others are many successful years into it.

I have read inspirational stories about people conquering their fears, breaking through barriers and crossing the finish line on goals big and small.  They celebrate victories and cheer each other on everyday.  It is an amazing community of people that know the road I have traveled and the struggles that come along with it.  They are changing their lives and impacting the lives of others in positive ways.

I feel fortunate to have stumbled upon all these groups, and I hope to help support, motivate and provide advice through them.  I am very motivated by helping others and reading stories of individuals struggling with the same things.  It is refreshing to see that I am not alone and what I feel from time to time is felt by others.  I makes me feel renewed that when I stumble it is OK, even if it has been 4 weeks of bad eating, but you just have to get back up and keep going.  I look forward to my further involvement in these groups and the positive impact continuing.

What a blessing that I was led to explore new areas in this journey toward a healthier and fitter me.  It has made me feel hopeful, inspired and motivated to keep charging ahead.

I started this to change my life, and along the way a beautiful thing happened..... I impacted the lives of others.  May your path bring light, hope and joy to others in the world.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Missing It...

I am missing you so much.  Although I know I must take time away from you right now, I cant stop thinking about you.  Why have we been torn apart right now when I need you so much?  I long for you and anticipate when we can reconnect soon.  For many years you were not in my life, but now I miss you when our separation is necessary.  Oh exercise....we will be together again soon.

Yes I know that being this sick it is only smart to take a break from the gym and working out.  That is the way you can always tell how truly sick I am.  If I have to take a break from exercise, I am darn ill. However, I am definitely looking forward to returning to my routine but after I have healed.

It still amazes me that I spent so many years not even thinking about exercise and now it is hard to take a necessary break from it.  It is certainly proof that we have the power to change ourselves.  I wish I had the key that caused that transformation to happen.

For now I will have to sit back and wait for my body to heal from this virus.  But that won't stop me from daydreaming about that magical place filled with sweat, determination and hard work.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Do It Today!!

I wanted to take some time to share some of my favorite reasons to get started today on whatever it is that you want to change or create.  

Sure, I am laying in bed and have not really moved in two days, but that does not mean I can't motivate others to get themselves moving.  Because when I finally get better I will be right back at it without a moments thought.  Therefore, while I have some extra time here are all the reasons to get out there today and make it happen.  

a year from now you will wish you had started TODAY!!!

All the times that one got me...  Then a year later I was heavier, less in shape and more miserable.  Mostly with me it was a matter of feeling overwhelmed by the end goal.  If that is you, don't focus on the finished product and just start with the first step.  

You will never be 100% ready to change. Don't wait for the perfect time. It will never come. Start TODAY!!!

This one has affected so many areas and not just my journey toward a healthier, fitter and more fabulous me. Life is never perfect, things don't usually just fall into place and create the ideal situation for things.  We have to make it happen and love the circumstances we are given.  No reason to wait for the PERFECT time because most likely it does not exist.  Therefore, make today the ideal time to start because truly there is no way to tell what tomorrow will bring, but right now is here and is the best time to take action.  

You can't change the past and tomorrow is uncertain.  Today is a gift...don't waste it.

Don't let past mistakes lead today's decisions.  We all make wrong turns now and then, but each moment is a fresh start.  Take this moment and begin to create the future you desire.  

The Future Starts Today!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Changes: Letting Go, Moving On and Refocusing

This journey has been accompanied by supportive friends and family from the very beginning.  I can't emphasize enough the impact they have played.  However, I have recently been reminded of the fact that no matter who is around me cheering, pushing, supporting, etc... it is inevitably up to me.  

As we all know life is ever changing and our interactions with other humans change.  It is the nature of this fascinating journey.  Recently the relationship with a friend has changed and caused us to not talk as often.  They were a big force in my journey to a fitter and healthier me.  It might have been delivering a workout that would leave me laying on the ground in exhaustion or sharing the success of a good run. It was nice to have someone that knew the gym as intimately as I did, and shared my passion for pushing hard at every workout.  I hope we will still get to talk from time to time about a workout here and there, but I will miss the more frequent support.  

So I am taking this time to refocus and reinforce in myself the strength I know is there to step up and get the job done.  I still have a great group of supporters.  Many of them don't share my passion for the gym and weight lifting but that does not stop them from pushing me, encouraging me and listening to me.  I am blessed to have some pretty darn awesome friends, and I feel their support often.  

Also, I have started to reach out to new people that share my passion and even share the weight loss piece. Some of these are friends from the beginning of this journey and even some new friends that I have found through blogs, news articles and Facebook.  Although I love the idea of meeting new friends that are in the trenches with me, I am a little scared about this new turn.  But in the end I knew when I started this journey no one else could make it happen, and that is as true today as it was then. People can enhance it, but in the end it is mine to experience and make happen.  I refuse to let this change in my life set me back in any way.  

I will keep showing up and getting the job done.  This is my life, and I know where I am headed. People will come and go over time, but I won't look back for long without continuing to charge ahead toward my goal.  

Thank you to everyone that has outwardly and silently supported my journey.  I truly appreciate it more than I could ever express.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


If there is one thing in life you can always count on, it is change. The response to this obviously differs greatly based on the magnitude of the occurrence.  It can be a simple task change at work, a new boss, a relationship change, moving to a new place or the loss of someone in your life.  These all have an impact on our lives, big and small. 

It can feel difficult or even impossible to accept; however, in truth there is very little the human spirit can not rally through.  I can testify to the fact that life on the other side looks different and at times you long for that past place, situation or person. does move on.  

I have experienced some difficult times in my life, but it has definitely been counterbalanced with some pretty amazing changes, as well.  This time of year is difficult as my spirit feels closer than normal to the loss of my father.  I certainly remember him throughout the years and talk about him with the children often, but this time of year is just a little more difficult.  I tend to become more sensitive, a little more down than normal and just a bit sad.  I don't plan for the arrival of these feelings and sometimes I am caught completely off guard by them.  In all truth, it is just one of those things, and I am alright with it.  

I remain in awe of the amazing strength the human spirit possesses in the face of loss, change and/or a new path.  I have seen people that are led down a new path, sometimes paved by their own doings and sometimes as a result of others decisions/actions, and I am inspired by their optimism and strength.  Change can be hard, especially when you are used to or expect one outcome and are left with another.  I have great respect for those that charge ahead, sometimes without a real understanding of where they are headed but know that they must keep moving. 

Life will certainly knock the wind out of your from time to time.  It is completely normal to grieve or be angry, but those things can't take over.  From time to time we all have difficulty understanding, accepting and moving beyond a change, so never beat yourself up if you find it hard sometimes.  Just remember that you can make it through.  

It definitely will look a little different on the other side, but it will be OK.  Luckily, for many, there is a great network of friends and family to help see them through.. And sometimes they are there to share in those down moments when the memories flood us and we just can't keep it together.  It is one of the true joys in life to share this journey with those that just get us and understand without even a word.  

Each morning as I am getting ready for work I read a saying that I inherited from my grandmother, and I often imagine it is her sharing this wish for me.  I share it with you now, as my wish for you.  

Wishing you always 
Love to surround you, Warm memories to cheer you,
Good fortune to walk beside you, and
Happiness to fill your heart