Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Taking Time to Heal and Refocus

I have found that being sick can really mess up a good streak of working out and eating right.  It has been a week since I tracked my food and over a week since I last visited the gym.  

This long interruption to what has become my norm was not caused by just a common cold or a simple 24 hour flu. No sir!  This break was courtesy of a super nasty power flu,  That same famous flu that cancelled Thanksgiving plans, kept kids out of school for a week and sent grown men and women to bed for days at a time.  Even in the recovery days we are left with lingering coughs, sore bodies and days before bodies begin to feel normal again.  

During the last week I have craved comfort foods or no food at all.  I have lounged in my pajamas all day eating pizza, ice cream, take out from favorite restaurants, etc...  It was great, well aside from the flu symptoms that is.  However, I know as well as anyone this can't last forever.  If I head down this path much longer, the only thing that awaits me is cellulite, weights that start with a 2 and months of working hard to lose the same weight all over again.  No thanks!  

Although I still have a few days before I can feasibly get this achy body back to the gym, I know the focus needs to be return to exercise and eating right.  This was just another vacation from what must remain my new lifestyle   Sometimes life slows us down with illness and other hard times to help us refocus and return with new strength.  Tomorrow will be the return to tracking my food, and I truly hope exercise can return by the weekend.  

If you took a break from your routine over the holidays due to travel, Thanksgiving feasts and leftovers, take this opportunity to get back on track with a new focus and a positive attitude.    

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mirror, Mirror.... Who the Heck is That Person??

Today I was on the elliptical machine in the gym and checked myself out in the mirror at the end of the room.  I was super surprised to see this very fit looking person.  When I work out I tend to focus on the flabby skin that is flopping around or what looks like a large thigh.  I am pleased to see that it might not be nearly as scary an image to other people.

It still amazes me when I catch just the right glimpse of myself in the mirror and have to look again to make sure that really is me.  The image of myself in my head is still so overweight that I almost forget what I really look like.  I am not a super model, by any means, but I have come a long way.  I just hope that my self image catches up with me someday.

I have roughly 30 more pounds to lose and it is coming off really slow.  It might be months before I finally see that number, but I just keep moving forward.

Everyday holds new challenges, obstacles and decisions.  With each one I try to do my best.  That is really all we can ask of ourselves.  I know to never eat a bad food again is unrealistic, but making it a rare occasion as opposed to a daily activity is realistic.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Motivation Where Art Thou??

I will never tell you that this weight loss stuff is easy and that you never fall off the wagon.  Although I have not fully hit the ground, I am hanging onto the wagon.  I am happy to report that this year has been much better than last.  By November of last year I had done a beautiful jump off the wagon, run the other direction and forgotten all about the right path.  In fact, I had already packed back on 10 pounds.

Sure it does seem to be the time of year when I want to hibernate and pack on the pounds.  I like to blame this on my ancestors that lived in caves.  Each year as they headed into winter they had to add weight to stay warm during the winter months.  Maybe I need to pitch my tent outside each winter.  So when you are freezing this winter I will be nice and warm in my layer of fat.

The good news is that I am feeling more motivated with each day.  I am also feeling pretty determined to not allow this weight to creep back on this year.  I am finding that my motivation is much lower than a month or two ago.  I am holding onto the cardio workouts, the eating comes and goes, but the strength training has completely vanished.  I am truly amazed by the minds ability to be completely committed to something and then turn it off without much warning.

I continue to take things one day at a time.  If I miss a cardio workout, I focus on getting it done the next day.  If I have a day where the eating is completely off course, I track it and do better the next day.  Even if the bad habits last for a few days, I just have to make a fresh start the next day.  It is all about forgiving and moving forward.

Tomorrow is a new day and full of possibilities.  May it be filled with strength, happiness and love.