Thursday, August 10, 2017

The New Me- Changes and More to Come

As I glance at the calendar it is hard to believe that it is already August.  I have breezed right through almost 8 months of this journey to a fitter and thinner me.  It isn't always easy, but I have remained focused for longer this time than I have in quite a few years.  

Last year was not my best health wise, and I was prepared to end it with my highest weight in a long time. Luckily, as often happens, in stepped a friend determined to refocus on her own journey.  Without her encouragement I am not sure when I would have finally turned around and headed back down this path.  I am grateful for her persistence because I can assure you there was not a single cell in my body that wanted to stop eating all that yummy food and really get back to focusing on exercise.

However, with reluctance on December 26th I started tracking my food again and returned my focus to exercise.  I won't say that I was completely confident in where I was headed this time, but over time that became more and more clear.  Now that I weigh less than I have since high school by almost 10 pounds I am beginning a new and exciting journey.

I have returned to weight lifting.  I was lifting pretty regularly when my blood clot happened last year and that stopped me in my tracks.  I have picked it up here and there over the last 18 months, but nothing routine and serious.  Since lifting is something I get a lot of enjoyment from and I have always desired to be strong, muscular and fit, it is time to get serious.

This program is 17 weeks long.  I have taken before pictures to pair with my afters, once I have completed the program.  It has been great to see the changes my body has undergone through out  my weight loss this and the previous time, but I am looking forward to the new ways my body will become healthier and stronger through this weight training program.

I hope to update my blog periodically with the happenings of my continued journey from a lifetime of fighting that inner fat girl to living a fitter, happier and healthier life.

Disclaimer: I have cleared this program with all my doctors and they are absolutely fine with it.  :)