Sunday, April 17, 2016

I am in a FUNK

I can't really place the origination of this funky mood, but it has been around off and on for a while.  I think it might have started around my blood clot diagnosis back in February.  Maybe the decisions I face there are still weighing in the back of my mind.

One of the reasons the blood clot was such a blow was that my exercise routines were in the perfect sweet spot and my mental state was amazing.  I was handling stress with a new attitude and was in pretty good spirits most of the time.  In the last two months my mood has definitely shifted and with it my stress level and anxiety has risen.  I have felt more insecurity creep in and been much harder on myself.  It seems that when things like this happen it is a snowball effect, and it gets bigger and bigger.  Therefore, before it increases anymore I am going to take action to stop this progression and shift things.

This morning I decided to spend some me time doing yoga and meditation.  I turned back to my coloring book for some time of inner peace and silence.  It might seem silly to some people, but I can be trapped by the thoughts in my head and led down paths of belief that don't even exist.  I can create stories about the way others feel or the path events will move forward on that are not reality.  These thoughts can unravel me and leave me in a state of angst.  Coloring, yoga and meditation are times where my mind clears and focus is turned inward.  It is a time of healing, rejuvenation and renewed energy.  I had unfortunately practiced less and less in the last two months.

It is fascinating that at times when I really need the stress relieving effect of exercise or the inward focus of meditation I pull away from them.  However, I don't wander far from them, as my mind eventually returns to them.  I realize their importance in my life, and the amazing benefits received by their practice.

My focus returns to the things which calm my mind, level my mood and help bring peace to my life.  I realize this won't take away the stress, the to do list, the medical decisions, etc...  However, it will help to ensure I am facing each day from a more centered place.

I never expect immediate changes or to reach that place where I can say, "This is it. Now I am perfect."  Truth is, I feel like an ever changing work in progress.  Maybe a really large painting that has many layers.  Some with exquisite beauty and others that if viewed on their own appear awful. But when you stand back and view it all together it is an amazing work of art.

Our lives are an amazing process.  I think the trick to getting past these not so awesome times is to accept them, surround yourself with people that love you through them and keep an awareness of them creeping in and not allowing them too much space.  The strongest people I know haven't lived without adversity, but instead have faced and conquered it.

Sharing the times when things suck help others realize they aren't alone, and that it is normal to not feel OK sometimes.  I love to be real about life, and I find great connection with others that lay it out there with me.  It is refreshing and healing to realize that none of us have it all figured out; however, together we can provide support, encouragement, guidance and healing.  I have recently become more in touch with the healing power of offering support to others and taking the support given by them.  It is an amazing gift that I hope everyone has the opportunity to experience.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Adulting Sucks: Lets Reward Ourselves for Making it Through Another Day

This post is a little more lighthearted than I normally get in this blog, but the topic was too hard to pass up.  A good friend sent me adult reward stickers and the ideas just started to roll into my head.

See... We reward our children when they complete chores, do their homework, get along with their siblings or listen to us.  Why don't we deserve the same?  

Being an adult is hard work and every one of us deserves a pat on the back at the end of the day for just making it through.  Why not a reward chart to help us put into perspective all the amazing accomplishments we have each day.  

So you might be wondering what in the world would these stickers say... Here are a few we came up with, but the list is endless..

What do we collect the reward stickers for?  Might be to build up to a prize, a daily treat or something special over time. Whatever the reason, it is a visual reminder of how much you kick ass each and every day.  

So all kidding aside being an adult is rough at times.  You might think people around you have it more together or are a better adult than you.  Truth is we are all figuring our way through this crazy thing called life.  Don't beat yourself up and instead realize all the temptations you resisted, the negative thoughts you overcame and the great accomplishments you had, even the small ones.  Give yourself a pat on the back because..... YOU ROCK!!!