Saturday, July 25, 2015

Imperfectly Perfect

I have come to realize that I don't have a clue as to what perfect is or even normal.  As humans we have certain things we have set in place to measure our friends, our lives, our success and ourselves. Some of us can get caught up comparing ourselves to others or measuring against this invisible standard we have created.  However, in truth we are imperfectly perfect and so are our lives.

I realize that life can feel like a mess at times.  We have bad days, we don't feel comfortable in our own skin or someone looks more perfect in life or body than we do.  Not only are these experiences as important to life as any others, but they should help us reflect on why we feel the way we do about the situation, ourselves or others.  Who set the standard that we are using as measurement?

I have learned that so much of the joy that comes from life is not always from the "perfect" moments. It is a magical blend of happiness, sadness, grief, joy, pain, excitement and exhilaration.  Just like the best recipes it would not be nearly as good with a missing ingredient.  Each item plays a very valuable part in the whole.  I have often said that sorrow means we have experienced joy.  Without one extreme it is impossible to have the other one.  I would not trade the amazing moments to be spared the ones of sadness.

If you find yourself in a moment that does not seem perfect, take a moment to pause and remember it is all part of the journey.  Each day we are given is an amazing gift.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Memories and Thoughts of You

Image result for connected to one another quotes

My mind often drifts off or is triggered to think of a person or special place.  This may even occur multiple times over days or weeks.  I can go for lengths of time where it seems there was not a single thought of someone and then suddenly the memories begin to flow into my consciousness.

I have felt there is much more to the connection between people we have shared a closeness with.  I wonder to what extent, if any, that continues after they are gone or just outside of our daily lives.  Is the existence of what seems like coincidental reminders of them just random or is there something more to the energy we all share?

You reach out to an old friend because the thought of them popped into your head.  Your message is received with the surprise reaction that they were thinking of you or needed to hear from my old friend.  Is it possible that we are connected and know when another needs our touch?

Then there are the times when we find ourselves remembering someone that was close to us who is no longer living.  This might be a reminder of the special things they helped contribute to your life, a funny moment or a certain place you shared with them.  It makes me wonder if that is their way of reminding us of their love and the happiness our lives gained from their presence. Even though these times can certainly bring mixed emotions of sadness, anger, grief and happiness, they should be cherished, as the connection shared with them was very special. In these moments I am reminded that to feel pain often means that you have felt excessive joy and love.

I am grateful for the connections I share with the other people in my life and the times thoughts of them flood my mind.  I cherish moments when I am compelled to reach out to an old friend and say hello. I love expressing my feelings to others and the gratitude I have for the ways they help to enhance my life experience.  We are each on a journey and without all those to which we share this path it would be much less joyful.

Whether our paths crossed for a moment or we shared years together my life has forever been changed because you were part of it.

Image result for life's path cross quotes

Sunday, July 19, 2015

I am Back!!

It feels so good to be where I am mentally on this journey.  This is a place I have been before, and often spend time wondering how to get myself back when it seems too far away.  It is that place where every little piece of the puzzle fits. My workouts come easily, the focus remains on the goals and it just feels right.  During these times it is almost impossible to understand how I ever lose this amazing mindset.

If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout, it would most definitely be the twists, turns, ups and downs of this journey.  I know there will be times that aren't this perfect, missed workouts and there might even be weeks when I steer completely off course.

We all have those times in life where it is just not going right.  Sure we could dwell on those moments and linger in that place; however, it is best to give ourselves some time and remain focused on the road ahead.  Looking back is not going to get us any closer, and dwelling on the past certainly won't change it.

So I will choose to love every moment of this stage and embrace the future moments that won't go quite as well. This journey is a much larger picture than I can see at any given moment, good or bad.

You never know what tomorrow is going to bring so make the best of today.

The Tools for Becoming a Stronger Healthier Me

Somewhere along this journey I started to get interested in strength training.  At first it was just to tone as I lost weight, but, it has turned into a desire to be strong, develop visible muscle mass and obtain gains in my routines.  I have grown to really love the feeling that comes from lifting weights and pushing myself through that last rep that seems impossible to complete.  There is a sense of pride felt when stepping up to a rack of weights and knowing what to do with them. 

My recent addition to this part of my routine has been a barbell, and I have to say that I love that 45lb piece of metal.  Sure it was a bit of a pain to get home from Charlotte, where I found it used, but it has been so worth it.  

Once it arrived, it was obvious that my makeshift garage workout area needed a face lift to make room for the new addition.  First, it needed a squat rack.  However, if you know me, you are fully aware that I am cheap and squat racks are not.  Therefore, I turned to the Internet for help and quickly found DIY solutions.  I am happy to report that my barbell happily sits on its new rack which can be used for squats and, at a lower level, chest press.  

I have had dumbbells, a weight bench and pull up bar for years, but this new addition has brought a whole new level of fitness to my home workouts.  Here is Friday's workout using my garage gym. My form is a work in progress, but it has come a long way.  

Just like my journey to lose weight the strength training is a slow process.  Even though it seems the weight came off easily it took the same consistency and determination this will require.  I have to show up to my workouts, do my very best and keep coming back.  Most things don't happen overnight and this is no exception.  I have two choices: sit here and allow my goals to get further ahead of me or get out there and take a step closer each day.  Just have to keep moving forward.