Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Memories and Thoughts of You

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My mind often drifts off or is triggered to think of a person or special place.  This may even occur multiple times over days or weeks.  I can go for lengths of time where it seems there was not a single thought of someone and then suddenly the memories begin to flow into my consciousness.

I have felt there is much more to the connection between people we have shared a closeness with.  I wonder to what extent, if any, that continues after they are gone or just outside of our daily lives.  Is the existence of what seems like coincidental reminders of them just random or is there something more to the energy we all share?

You reach out to an old friend because the thought of them popped into your head.  Your message is received with the surprise reaction that they were thinking of you or needed to hear from my old friend.  Is it possible that we are connected and know when another needs our touch?

Then there are the times when we find ourselves remembering someone that was close to us who is no longer living.  This might be a reminder of the special things they helped contribute to your life, a funny moment or a certain place you shared with them.  It makes me wonder if that is their way of reminding us of their love and the happiness our lives gained from their presence. Even though these times can certainly bring mixed emotions of sadness, anger, grief and happiness, they should be cherished, as the connection shared with them was very special. In these moments I am reminded that to feel pain often means that you have felt excessive joy and love.

I am grateful for the connections I share with the other people in my life and the times thoughts of them flood my mind.  I cherish moments when I am compelled to reach out to an old friend and say hello. I love expressing my feelings to others and the gratitude I have for the ways they help to enhance my life experience.  We are each on a journey and without all those to which we share this path it would be much less joyful.

Whether our paths crossed for a moment or we shared years together my life has forever been changed because you were part of it.

Image result for life's path cross quotes

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