Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sometimes People Reach out for Help When WE Need it the Most

Although our summer was amazing and filled with lots of outdoor active fun, I did not keep up with my gym workouts and I lost track of eating right, most of the time.  However, I would not change a thing!! This summer was one for the book of our best family summers.  But as fall started and we got closer to the cold and dark months of the year I needed the routine.

I tried a few different things, like running with Cate, getting both kids out with me to walk, eating more at home, but it just wasn't all falling back into place.  I was searching for that one thing that would get me back to that sweet spot, but it was eluding me.

Then a friend reached out to me for encouragement and support.  It is a wonderful honor to have gained the reputation of someone who others reach out to for help getting back on track, even though I can often be found out there trying to find my own way back.  I have even been told that friends think of me when they are exposed to burpees.  I am honored that my hard work over the years, even if I falter at times, has made me known as this type of person.

As I was saying, a friend reached out for support and I was honored and jumped into action.  I must admit I was not at all excited that this meant I should be more accountable for my own decisions.  I mean isn't it a bit hypocritical to tell someone else all the things they should be doing when you aren't doing them.  So I started doing a little more here and there.  I started back to my running routine, pulled out my weight lifting program and started it back with normalcy, and began tracking my food. And....

Man, I gotta say I feel great!!  It is amazing that when I lose this routine I don't just crave it to an extreme because of how awesome it feels, but I guess the yumminess of the ice cream, pizza and cereal hides it.  I am such an emotional eater too.  I will get upset and instantly start craving foods that comfort me and make me feel better.  I will always fight that, but for now I am winning again.  And it feels amazing!

So to my friend that needed help and reached out to me, THANK YOU!!!  A hundred times THANK YOU!  I am honored you thought of me when you needed help and so grateful you reached out.  I hope to keep working together to get us further down the road toward our goals.  As I have always said... It won't be easy, but man it is worth it!!!