Monday, November 17, 2014

Wow I Have Come A Long Way!

As I was reading some posts online, I began to realize changes that have occurred without my being fully aware of them. The last seven years have seen a lot of transformation in my life, and the physical changes have been obvious.  However, there has been a mental shift that I was not as aware had occurred or maybe just not to the extent that it had.

There was a post about someone making less than the best choice for dinner and how it made them want to just throw in the towel.  Oh I remember those days, but I did not realize how far back they were in my past.  I no longer look at each decision, choice or meal as a make it or break it moment.  The total picture, the full journey is what this is all about. I will go weeks sometimes where my eating is not 100% where it needs to be.  I will gain some weight, but this no longer means total defeat.  If this is going to be a lifelong process, I am going to give myself those times and certainly not make a big deal out of them.

When I look back into the past at my failed attempts or losses that did not stick they are often marked with allowing myself to feel guilty or defeated.  I would beat myself up over choices that were not right. I can definitely say that this did nothing but bad things for the progress toward my goals.

I don't know when the shift happened but it has.  I am grateful that today the big picture is my focus. I am more realistic now and realize that I am not going to make the best decisions all the time.  However, I know not to totally lose sight of my mission, and when I do actually think about the decisions I am making that the focus is on health and fitness.  

I did not get obese by one bad decision, and I am not going to become fit and stay there by making just one good choice.  This is a work in progress.

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