Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Vacation From Reality

I am so fortunate to get time away from work, home and just general being an adult crap.  I find the best vacations are where when I return home it seems hard to face work, bills and responsibilities.  It might sound crazy, but those are the times that I realize that the past week was a total escape.  Yep the first few days home and back to work stink, but there is a small voice inside me saying, "heck yeah we know how to vacation right."

Our recent trip was awesome.  We really enjoyed ourselves, relaxed and recharged.  We got to see some really beautiful places, laughed and spend time with those we share so much love.

There are times that while doing finances I realize how much vacations impact the money we have; however, it is one of the best investments that I make.  It is not something that will fund my retirement or give me a big savings balance.  However, it is providing immeasurable things.  These are time together, life experiences and memories to last forever.  I hope these vacations grow a desire within my children to explore the world, experience new things and balance work and play as adults. I know people often wonder how I afford all these trips, and trust me they make an impact.  However, the sacrifices I make financially are more than worth it for me.

Life is going to throw a lot of things at you, and they won't always be easy to overcome.  However, I find that these times together are just the right medicine to realize the multitude of life's blessings.

The transition back to reality has been rough and returning to work will be tough.  The realization that I work hard to provide these amazing times for our family will keep me going.  We are so fortunate be able to spend these times together and give our children these experiences.  I have often said that I would live on bread and water before I give up traveling, and I still feel just as strong.

I have often read that it is better to give your children experiences and not material things.  I hope that my children grow up cherishing and appreciating the wonderful times that we have had together.   I look forward to our next adventure soon.

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