Sunday, August 28, 2016

My Soul Needed That

I started out the weekend sleep deprived, anxiety filled, struggling with stomach issues and ready to crawl into a hole for two days. Once we started to talk about going to the National Park and hiking everything began to turn around.  There is a peace that settles into my soul after hours of wandering in the woods. Nature is my second home, and I jumped at the opportunity to get out there.

Although my family is much less eager for these hikes, they willingly join me on these adventures.  They appear to have a great time once out there, but it can be painful to get them to the car.

These times walking in the woods are filled with some of my absolute favorite family moments.  We talk about life, dreams, hopes, school, friends and whatever comes to our minds.  I hear a lot of "I love you Mom" while on these hikes and that reinforces that I am not the only one finding peace among those trees.

Not only did we get to spend over 5 hours walking in the woods this weekend, but we also spent hours exploring new areas.  One of the many things I adore about my husband is the fact that he loves to wander off the beaten path.  He likes to take the road less traveled and find quiet places that many travelers would never see as they speed past on the main roads.  I feel blessed to have a partner that does not rush to the next destination and takes time to experience life at a slower pace.

As I wrap up this weekend I feel a sense of
peace that only comes from the experiences that filled the last two days.  We explored good local eateries, soaked in the beauty of nature, felt exhilaration climbing up and down mountains and had good quality time together.  It has helped rejuvenate my body and soul.  

I am truly blessed beyond measure to live in this beautiful area, be physically able to explore the trails and have such amazing company along the way.  I look forward to the next chance to hit the trails and hope it won't be too long off.

Live life to the fullest, love without limits and cherish every moment you get to spend with those you love.  May you get moments that fill your soul with peace and be a reminder of the many blessings present in your life.

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