Sunday, March 10, 2013


How is a journey that seems so easy at times so frustrating at others?  I drastically changed my eating habits a few weeks ago by starting an elimination diet.  I was amazed by the changes I could make and what was possible when I committed to something.  I lost 7 pounds in the first week, and I was pretty excited.

In the 5-6 weeks I tested all the major culprits and did not find the source.  However, I was fortunate my stomach only acted up twice during this time, and I felt much better overall.  After testing dairy and gluten, I learned their only impact seemed to be some quick weight gain.  Good reason to limit them.

The last 7-10 days has not been good.  I experienced an injury about 10 days ago and had to stop exercising because of the pain.  I tried some alternatives but used this time as more of an excuse to just get completely off track.  To compound this effect the doctor put me on steroids to help speed the healing in my foot.  This created an intense desire to eat everything in sight.  Needless to say I have veered completely off course, gotten out of the workout routine and just feel lousy.

So I have decided that tomorrow is a new day.  I am going to get up early, workout out and get back to eating right.  I truly believe that I want to beat this weight thing and become the physical person that I know is possible.  However, there must be something still standing in my way because success continues to be missed.  I had no idea how many mental components there are to this weight loss journey.

All I can do is look to tomorrow and make it count.  Each day I allow myself to slide backwards is another day of hard work erased.  I can't think of the big picture because it feels to overwhelming, but I can look at each choice and try to make the right one.  I am not going to win this battle overnight.  Instead it is going to be won one tiny step at a time.

Whatever your journey don't let these moments of weakness define you.  Everyone has a time they veer off track, they get lost in the wrong things, influenced by the wrong people, convince themselves that the wrong choice is right to learn later of its true nature, etc... You just have to regain focus and move forward with new intention.  

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