Friday, September 25, 2015

Just Letting it Happen

I started this blog a few months ago, and I am finally finishing it now.  As I read over what I had written I realize there was a purpose this was saved half written for me to find now.  I have a very solid belief that things are presented to us when we most need them, and this unpublished blog entry was definitely one of them.

My life over the last 6 weeks has been hectic, and I have been going full speed ahead without much thought.  I moved along handling each moment and conforming to whatever was needed at the time. Now as my life settles a bit I realize the amazing power of just letting life happen.  So below is the blog I started on this exact subject right before our lives got a little crazy.

I am fortunate to be able to interact with many different types of people through my work.  I often meet with members that are in the later years of their life, and I truly enjoy listening to their life stories.  Many of them share tidbits of advice, favorite philosophies or memories with me.

This week, in late July, was filled with a few characters. I must admit that some of them I would rather not remember; however, this adorable 80 something year old man is one that left a lasting impression.

Early in our conversation he said "Life is amazing, if you just let it happen." This same phrase was presented a few other times during our meeting.  Each time is appeared was a moment when he was stopping himself from saying something negative, worrying about a future outcome or when remembering a bad past experience. Although I don't know the exact meaning to him, it definitely rang true with so many things for me.

Life is an amazing journey, and we can live it trying to control every moment, action or detail. We can constantly worry about doing the right thing, making the best decision or stressing about the next outcome.  Wasting time on something that has already occurred or is outside of our control is truly useless.  Spending these moments on ways to best adjust, heal or forgive is much more useful.

I have also learned that most of the things we can spend hours worrying about don't always have a large impact on what becomes the future reality.  Instead it is time wasted on not letting life happen. The magical times in my life can definitely be characterized as the moments where I just went with it. It was not about what other people would think, whether I was doing the right thing or the outcome. It was about living in the moment.

Try to spend some time just letting life happen and discover the wonders that it holds.  This is an amazing journey, and we each could use a little more time just enjoying the ride.

As a reread this post I began to think back on the moments of the last few weeks.  We experienced some losses, new additions and changes to our lives.  These were stressful times and there were moments when that showed. However, times with the most impact were when I let go and let life happen.  It was magical to be present in moments which I allowed to occur without the need to control or change them.

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