Saturday, June 28, 2014

This Me...

I got to thinking today about the person I have become over the last few years of my life and how different she is from the girl I used to be.  Sure there are some core things that have always been inside me, but  sometimes I have a hard time remembering the old me.

The me of a few years ago lacked self confidence and had almost never seen a workout.  This new person thrives on exercise.  I have not only fallen totally in love with this amazing thing, but I have even become a little obsessed.  There are so many amazing benefits I receive from my six day a week ritual.  I am happier, more energetic, have more self confidence and lowered stress level.

Additionally, I have started to care less about what other people think.  I am this person, you can take me or leave me.  I like to sing and dance in the car, especially when it embarasses my oldest.  Poor kids are in for a life of embarassing moments with me. I like public displays of affection.  I like to tell people I love them whenever the feeling hits.  In essence, I try to seize every moment I can in life.  Sure, I am guilty about having bad moments where I feel overwhelmed, stressed or angry over stupid things, but the key is to try hard to let the little things remain just that.

One of the most important things that has occurred in my transformation is falling more in love with myself.  Yeah that might sound conceded, but it is true.  Life isn't perfect, I am certainly not perfect and I know there will be challenges ahead.  However, I feel the person I have become is much better equipped to handle what life throws at me.

There is definitely a lot more that I want to accomplish, but I have come a long way.  Sometimes I have to remember to stop and take a look back.  It is good to push forward, challenge yourself to become more, but don't forget to give yourself credit for where you have come from.  It is just as important.
The Old Me!

Today's Me!!!

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