Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Sometimes life isn't perfect.  Sometimes we begin to get lost in the stress of unimportant tasks, bills and things that just seem to not be working out right for us.  Although these things can bring us down, they are not the fiber of our lives.  Therefore, we can't allow them unnecessary control.  

Today was one of those moments where I realize that the insignificant things were taking over, and I was allowing them to control my mood, my reactions and my life.  But when I really sat down and thought about the reasons for these things a startling revelation occurred.  It was some of the most amazing experiences in my life that had resulted in what I was feeling were awful circumstances.  

I could have a huge savings balance, but I would have to miss out on so much.  The memories made from the money spent on family vacations, taking our children to new places and sharing things we love is worth every cent.  So tonight I am grateful for the savings I am able to spend on these times together with those I love and the memories we are making together.  Even if it does mean less cushion for unexpected events.  You can't put a price tag on the experiences I have had and those that I am giving my children. I am sharing my greatest loves with them, and this is a fiber of my being.  It is priceless.   

Additionally there is a house in Indiana that continues to throw unimportant stress into my path.  I have allowed that house to take on a role in my life that it does not deserve.  It is a very special place where many memories were born.  It is a place where a young couple began their lives together, started a family and where they chose a new path for that growing family. It should not hold this anger and stress.  When we decided to leave Indiana and begin this new journey three years ago we took a risk.  As with any gamble there has been some loss.  However, this move has afforded our family so much happiness and so many amazing blessings.  So a few repairs and expenses are a small price to pay for the gains we have received.  I choose to allow the house to be filled with happy memories of our life and not a source of stress.  

The stress of an overwhelming workload can ruin a day.  The obligation of supporting a family can allow a job to take on too much importance and cause stress, but it is a choice to allow it to control me.  I need to remember that how I choose to deal with work related stress has a huge impact.  Here I am reminded of a quote that  I first saw in my grandmother's house of the serenity prayer, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."  

Although I can't control the number of requests I get, I can do my best to address them thoroughly and realize that the frustrated person is not really angry with me but a circumstance that has been put before them.  If there is one thing I can be certain of when it comes to work, I will never allow that stress to control me.  I was taught by a very special man that life is too short to give all of yourself to a job.  It is the things we work so hard for that are the fiber of life, and they deserve our time too.  I give a lot of myself for my job and I take the responsibility of it very seriously; however, it will never come before the truly important people in my life.  

I hope to look to tomorrow with a new outlook, hope and the continued realization that life is perfect in its totally imperfect form.  Tomorrow is full of many things good and bad.  Sure each day will have traffic, children that don't want to listen, coffee spills, unexpected expenses and other crappie stuff.  However, it also holds some amazing gifts; a sunrise, beautiful sunsets, time together with the ones we love, memories, hugs/kisses and life changing miracles. I want to focus on the promises, love and beauty each day holds.  To awake to another day is an amazing gift.  

We will all allow those unimportant things that just seem huge to control us, but don't let them stay too long.  If you give them space within your being, they will take it all and more.  Before you know it you will be lost.  Everything in life has brought us to this point, good and bad, and I, for one, would take all the bad over again to be given all the amazing beauty and joy this life has provided.  

May you embrace life and live it as fully as you possibly can.  

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