Friday, July 11, 2014

The Secret to Success.....

I have talked about my weight loss journey more than usual this week.  When I share the total number of pounds I have shed over the last 6 years people always want to know the answer, the secret or the magic formula.  I am here to tell you and everyone that asks that there is no such thing.  This journey takes a lot of hard work, but when you want it bad enough it happens.

There are definitely easier ways to lose weight, but almost everyone I know that has tried these tricks, fads, etc end up with the weight back and some extra pounds as a bonus.  If you are going to spend the time doing this, you might as well do it the right way.  I always feel this way when I see people at the gym barely working out.  I try my best to take advantage of the time I spend away from my family for exercise by making it count.  You can push yourself a lot further than you think and the results on the other side of that limit are pretty amazing.  All of the weight loss and exercise changes won't happen overnight, but you will start to see positive changes not only in your appearance but your confidence and mental health.

Here I must mention that a little setback does not mean complete failure.  Let yourself have a bad day, week, month; however, when you realize you have gone off track veer back on course and start again.  The biggest mistake I have seen myself and others make on this journey is to take a mistake and turn it into more and more days off track. It is as if they think well I screwed up so what is the point.  Well, I can tell you where the bad eating, the not exercising and this thought process will get you.... just with more ground to cover next time you decide to make the change.

Also, don't put it off.  Don't self talk yourself into starting back on Monday or after vacation or whatever silly timeline you give yourself.  As soon as the thought of wanting to return to your path occurs, go quickly there and don't hesitate. It is too easy to keep putting it off more and more.  And don't say oh I won't keep putting it off.  I am just as guilty of this self talk and know the very small percentage of time that is actually works.

Don't allow yourself to say you don't have time to track your food, time to exercise or a place to workout.  The best gym in the world is right outside your door and the equipment you need is closer than you think, yourself.  If you have your body and the great outdoors, you are all set to begin your exercise journey.  In regards to eating right and tracking your food, there is way more time than you think but it needs to be priority.

Actually this whole journey needs to be set high on the list of priorities.  Don't feel selfish for putting this high on the list of things to do.  You are important, and your health is very important to those that love you.  I can't imagine your friends and family not helping you find the time to get this stuff done and in return they get a healthier, happier you.  Heck they might even get more years of you alive with them.  Get your family on board, tell your friends what you are doing.  They will help support you.

I have been doing this for 6 years now and I still have my bad days.  I have just learned to allow myself those times and move to the next day with the right choices in mind.  If this is going to be something that sticks, I can't let a few bad days stop me.

Go into each day as a fresh start and focus on how you are going to make that day a step toward the you that you want to be.  No one else can be blamed for you not being that person today and no one else can get you to where you want to be.  Take responsibility and make that change.

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