Friday, November 17, 2017

Go For It!

When you set out to climb a mountain you start with taking that first step and then another.  With each step you begin to put space behind you and a little less of it between you and the top.  You glance backwards from time to time and realize how far you have come.  Even when the road ahead seems never ending each step means you are closer to reaching the top.

There are so many challenges in life where these same principles hold true.  Whether it is a physical obstacle, a difficult time in your
life or even a stressful day.  We have a choice each moment to look at what is left to be completed or take a moment to glance back at how far we have come.

I am often guilty of focusing too heavily on what remains on a project, to do list or the never ending list of household chores. From time to time I will look at those things I have accomplished, checked off or moved beyond, and realize that there is much to celebrate.

This weight loss journey has been a focus in my life for almost a decade and being overweight has been an almost constant in my life since I was a kid.  Therefore, it is often hard to realize what I have accomplished.  Sure a lot of it is the number on the scale, but I have transformed my activity level, energy, body composition and my
families overall lifestyle.  Although I have been successful on this path, I will always have to remain vigilant.  I also need to appreciate the success of my journey.  I have come a long way!

With each goal I reach I create a new one; however, I am learning to be more appreciative of the journey.  It is good to set the bar a little higher each time, but we must remember to stop for a moment to realize the accomplishments made.

For those struggling with their own journey here is a little message from the old me.  You can do it, and I believe in you fully.  I realize that right now it does not seem possible, but it is waiting for you.  It won't be easy, at times you will want to quit, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that you won't regret one sacrifice you make to get
there.  Even if you can't imagine that it is possible start working toward it.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of strength, willpower and success you have. You are worth it! 

Now go out there and get to it.  Whatever the goal is you have, go conquer it! 

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