Saturday, March 3, 2018

That was good for my soul

I had not realized how much we needed to reconnect until it happened today.  We have spent the last few weekends home with barely any plans. You would believe this to mean relaxation, rejuvenation and connection with each other. However, I think it was just doing our own things in the same space.

The thought to get out of town and explore someplace new was a selfish desire. However, I believe everyone benefited greatly from it.

It was an afternoon filled with chatter, jokes, sharing thoughts and ideas. The kids acted like small children. They played, explored and imagined. It was good for my soul and likely theirs as well.

Time in nature provides something to my body that is very similar to a drug.  It lightens my mood, changes my perspective, brings positivity, and everything I do after it is enhanced greatly because of what I experience out there. It provides clarity and so much joy.

I am truly left with a high after our day.  From the drive over to the Chesapeake. Then the two and half hours of hiking, exploring and beach walking. Followed up with trying a local diner and sharing our food because we  loved it so much. All topped off with the drive home listening to our favorite podcasts while the kids slept. Yep this day was good for my soul.

They won't all be like this but I want to hold onto this high for just a while longer. I know someday these kids won't be so little anymore, but one thing is for sure these are the days I cherish the most.

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