Monday, March 24, 2014

Just Get Moving

There are some people in my life that I can give a lot of credit to for keeping me focused on this journey.  However, I don't think they always realize the impact that they have. Even a simple statement can trigger something within me.  It can be a friend sharing their daily workout, on a day that seems void of any motivation to exercise, or a coworker mentioning to me their recent weight loss success.  Their journey inspires me and reminds me of my own.

Recently, a coworker was sharing with me her determination to become more active and lose weight.  She purchased a Fitbit, and we were discussing her step count each day.  Remembering that I had a pedometer I decided to start wearing it.  My goal is to start moving more.

This weekend I created a lofty step goal of 10,000 a day.  It was easily achieved, but I knew returning to work would send that goal much further out of reach.  I have a desk job so there are not many opportunities to move around. Actually, I was surprised to see today's steps even reach 1,000.  After the gym and an evening walk, I did not end up too bad, with almost 7,500 steps.  However, I needed a plan for the time I was at work.

So... tomorrow I have a plan!  A friend's suggestion prompted me to decide that every hour I will do some laps around the area outside my office. This will surely be a great break for my body and mind throughout the day at the cost of just a few minutes.  No, I don't expect this extra movement to produce lots of weight loss or replace my time in the gym, but it certainly can possess some amazing health benefits with a very short expenditure of time.

So there you have it, one simple conversation helped me become focused on a new way to improve my health, both mental and physical.  This is a good reason to talk about your journey with others and share theirs with them.  You never know when you will lose your way, have a bump in the road or need the strength of someone that is headed down a similar path.  I have learned from my journey that I can't do it alone.  Yes, at the end of the day I am responsible for what I put into my body and how much I exercise; however, the path is much easier with friends.

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