Sunday, October 30, 2016

I don't have all I want......but I have all that I need!

I don't have what some believe to be the ideal body, a kayak or two would be great to have for weekend fun, when driving around the campground today we commented about how much fun it would be to have a camper, there is always something I would like to have or put on the list of wants.  But when I pull out that ever growing list of things I am reminded of how truly blessed we are with all that God has provided.

After 16 years, I still wake up to a man that I adore.  OK, OK.  I will admit that it is not always adoration, but way more that than anything else.  We have two children who make me feel a love that seems beyond any possible measure.  Sure they bicker, irritate each other and sometimes I have to bribe them to just be quiet, but I would not change them.  We have jobs that may not be perfect but provide the means to food, water, shelter and clothing for our family.  Our bodies may not be perfect, but they allow us to travel and explore this wonderful world.  

I have learned important lessons throughout life, but some have become deep rooted within me.  One of them is that when looking at what I have and my blessings it is not necessary to look at my bank account, my house, my cars or any material possessions.  The true value does not lie in the items that can be counted, but instead in those things that are impossible to measure.

My soul is full of gratefulness for all the blessings I have received.  Life isn't perfect.  It does not lack some discomfort, hardships, arguments and moments where I am less than the best person I could be; however, it is all part of the trip.  

If I could put onto canvas my road through life, it would be a mess.  There was some childhood angst, preteen bullying, teenage heartache, losses that seemed impossible to recover from, overwhelming financial obligations, angry words that could not be taken back and tears.  But even more so there was friendship, unconditional love, encouragement, first kisses, falling in love, happiness, joy beyond measure, new beginnings, laughter and so much beauty everywhere.  All together it is the most amazing masterpiece.  I would not change one single thing.  

As a result of the many blessings I have received, my hope is to provide value through my
 interactions with others.  Every time we cross paths with another whether for a moment or a lifetime we can either increase their blessings or take from their joy.  I aspire to leave them with a fuller cup than when they arrived at our junction.

May we each enrich the lives of others in beautiful ways, be grateful for our blessings each chance we get and love wastefully.  There will never be a time that the world couldn't use more joy, peace and love.  Be the good you want to see in the world and others will catch on...

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