Thursday, December 29, 2016

Here we are again...

It has been a rough year, and the medical issues have taken a toll on my body.  I know there could have been more proactive measures taken to not let it get this far out of control.  I could have taken only the necessary breaks and not extended ones.  Certainly keeping my eating in check while i was unable to be physically active would have helped.  Regardless of all that, this is where I start over.

Instead of beating myself up for all the weight gain, muscle lost and conditioning that will need to be restored, I am going to celebrate that I have returned to this place. There were times I feared all was lost but a little voice in my head continued to remind me of that active life I loved, those times in the gym that made me feel invincible and the workouts that were rough but ended with such sweet success. I might have strayed far, but something inside me knew to keep adding little reminders so I might return here.

Of course the little voice alone did not conquer this major veer off course.  I must give credit to my
guides, who without, I might not have returned so soon.  The are friends that are determined to return to their journey.  It was their invitation to join them, which I was VERY reluctant to accept, that really kicked it all back into gear.  There is something about having others to talk/share with and give/receive support from that makes this seem easier to tackle.

As I wrap up day four of this newest turn back in the right direction, I feel strong, determined and powerful.  I can't say that I will always make the right decisions when it comes to food and being active because I have learned that I will slip and fall from time to time.  However, the right friends and that little voice that doesn't quit will help me find my way back here each time I stray.

So here is to strength, determination and darn good friends.  Please let them all three stick with me in the coming months as I turn this ship around and head back to being healthier and fitter.

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