Monday, August 25, 2014

What are you Running From?

I saw a funny ad for a new activity tracker that tells you why you run.  It was entertaining to watch as they went through all the things the actors were running from; being the fat kid, the nerd, lack of success or the happily ever after you don't have.  Of course this product is not real, but it did remind me that so many people, including myself, run for one or more of these or similar reasons.

Each time I head to the gym I am running, even when that is not the workout for the day, from a past and a person that I no longer want to be.  I remember the early days of this journey being filled with dread that success was not possible, that being fat and out of shape was all I could be and feeling nothing would keep the weight from returning.  I can't say with certainty that those feelings have completely vanished, but I know my confidence in keeping this lifestyle is much higher than it was five years ago.  And to be honest..... I have begun to fear a day that I would not have some of these feelings.  What if I become comfortable and stop running from the old, fat me...

I have spent some time and discussed this topic with others who have traveled similar paths.  I find that most are in agreement.  We feel that on some level it is a healthy desire to fear returning to our old selves, the unhealthy ways and gaining the weight back.  It seems part of our success is attributed, even if only in our minds, to the fact that we are running.  I am sure that others would disagree and someday I might feel differently too.  However, for now I will lace up my shoes and keep on running.

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