Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life Can Certainly be Shitty at Times **Please Excuse my Language**

Life can definitely be depended upon to keep you on your toes.  Just when you get comfortable a curve ball is thrown, and you successfully dodge it or even better grow from the experience.  Then, all of a sudden, you find yourself with too many being thrown to avoid them.  But that one that hits the hardest is rough.  Today that happened to me.

Last week Kent and I started to talk about what we wanted from his part time job situation.  So we began to discuss how we would move forward on that front and had some great discussions.  He shared some things he would like to explore, and we started the first steps on that plan.  We talked about less time of night working and shifting things around a bit.  Well, his boss is not really on the same page which means some changes coming in that area.  That was manageable, as we knew where we were headed and what he wanted.

Then last night we were witness to an emergency at Owen's basketball game.  There was a baby sister of one of the players in the spectators and she stopped breathing during the game.  Someone performed CPR and the paramedics had to be called.  The baby was rushed to the hospital, and we don't know what happened from there.  The children were very shaken up, but we expressed how fortunate it was to have happen there where people could help save the baby and close to paramedics that could help.  Just a smack in the face to remember how truly precious life is and how fragile it is too.  This experience shakes even the strongest person.  

So today I was just not feeling right.  I thought it was just some of the stress we are dealing with from Kent's job and the events of last night.  However, at midday I realize that my mind might have already realized that a big change was about to hit us.  Then I got the call that our landlord decided to sale the house we live in, and we need to move by April 1st.  When asked if there is any flexibility on that day the answer was no.  This leaves us to find a new place rather quickly.  We love the kids school, we love the location where we live, but with only 2 months to find a place in the area we are hoping for a bit of a miracle.  

This news left me very sad at first because I realize how much the children love where we live.  This house is certainly not perfect, and I would never actually buy it.  However, it has been the perfect rental because of the location, size and lot.  After the sadness faded I became very angry at what seemed to be a total disregard to the fact that a family with children was being displaced by their decision.  Then I have bounced into and out of a place of hope.  There is a sense that this is happening because there is something else waiting for us out there.  It is something spectacular that we wold have never come across without this happening.  I am going to try to spend more time in that area of the emotions.  

Sure I can think how unfair it seems, dwell on the sadness of moving my children again or hold onto the anger I feel for those responsible for the decision.  However, there is a flip side to all this where I can focus on the opportunity, the new beginning or possibility of something amazing waiting for our family.  I am a true believer that life has a plan and happens for a reason.  Someday I will realize what this was all about.

We have had some pretty crazy years as a family.  However each trial has been balanced with something amazing.  The challenges have made us stronger and more connected.  I know for sure we will figure this out.  

May tomorrow bring new hope for every trial and a sense of peace.  Life may not always seem fair or take the path we most likely expected; however, each challenge hides an opportunity to rise above and create a new path.

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