Saturday, January 7, 2017

Fear and Moving Forward

I started my journey to a happier/healthier me over 9 years ago.  There have been times when I was more confident in my success than others.  Some moments I feel unstoppable and that everything is in the right place.  Then there are times which I feel lost and fear that I will never get back on track.

Time has taught me to realize there will be places I veer off and times that I just won't have it all together.  The overall goal is to make those times short and never allow the fear or negativity creep into my thoughts.  The feeling of a failed attempt or fear that I won't remain focused on eating right and my healthy lifestyle does not help me move forward.  This will only hinder my progress.

Today I allowed my mind a moment to worry and think of possibilities it won't continue to feel this easy.  The last few weeks have felt great. I feel strong, confident and committed to both my workouts and my food goals.  I have begun to focus on my relationship with food to better understand it.  Since everything is going well, I am puzzled to feel such fear today.

I remember this as I first decided to take the step and join the weight loss contest at work 9 years ago. As the scale went down, my fitness level increased, and I become healthier, I feared losing it all.  Part of me was grateful for that feeling as it often kept me focused and on track.  However, with today's I am going to quiet it with the image of how far I have come and the many accomplishments completed and yet to be done.

The reality is that for me this will be a life long battle.  I need to remain conscious of my food choices and my activity level.  My relationship with food needs to stay in check, and an analysis of how I treat food in the presence of my children will be important.   I hope to allow them an opportunity to eat when they need nourishment and not as a reward, comfort or stress relief.

My focus will continue to be on how far I have come and taking it one thing at a time.  This might be one day, one meal or one hour at a time.  Whatever feels attainable.

Sometimes the battle looks to vast to be won, but upon taking it one small piece at a time victory is yours.

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