Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reasons to Keep Moving Forward

When I get out of a routine it is often hard to get the motivation to get back on track.  The race was a good reminder that I need to keep going because I still have so much more to accomplish.  I am not getting any younger, and I want to get to a certain place physically.  I don't want to look back and wish I had accomplished this goal.  Instead I want to be happy, healthy, fit and look back on all the goals reached.  I also want to run 5Ks, 10Ks, Mud Runs, etc.. with my kids as they get older. So getting back into the workout groove is important.

Today was that day when the workout was back to normal.  Last week meant slowing down in preparation for the Warrior Dash, and this week started out a bit slow while trying to recover.  Today was my first full workout in what feels like weeks.  And...... I feel GREAT!!!

There is something very powerful about a great workout.  Today was one of those workouts where you feel you can't push any further and for a while after you still feel a little wiped.  However, in no time the energy spikes, you feel great, your attitude is lifted and life feels completely perfect.  The feeling after a great workout is like being on a high, but you don't hurt your body or risk getting arrested.  This is one reason I feel drawn to work out.

In addition to this after workout high, I find exercise just makes me feel better overall.  My mental state is a bit more balanced, yes I hear some of your laughing now, and it definitely makes me look better.  Not to mention the unseen affects of the healthier heart and just better functioning body.  You really can't argue with the positives that come from physical activity a few times a week.  If you don't already have a regular exercise routine, I would highly recommend starting one.

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