Sunday, November 3, 2013

It Has Been One of Those Weeks...

Sometimes I just don't feel right, and I find it so hard to locate the exact cause.  Maybe I fight a little depression from time to time, hormones are off, sleep deprivation or fighting off a cold.  Whatever the reason it can wreck havoc on my day, week, etc...

Last week started with some of those down moments where I just felt pitiful.  I enjoyed quite a few pity parties, but mostly I was just angry because I wanted my mood to lighten.  As the week progressed this feeling did get better.  However, it was replaced with a really nasty cold.  I was not thrilled to get sick, but I was pretty excited that it caused the mental blahs to leave. 

Unfortunately, this less than perfect week caused me to be anything but a pleasant person to be around.  My family really does need an award for putting up with me during those awful times.  Mind you, they have their moments as well.  I would assume we all do; however, I have not lived anyone elses life to be sure. Additionally, I was less than consistent with my workouts over the last 7 days.  For anyone that visits the gym regularly, you know that skipping a workout when feeling mentally down brings nothing good to the situation. Exercising when you don't feel like doing it is the best thing for you.

So this weekend was a chance to get myself together and head into this coming week with a new perspective.  Due to the cold and a less than normal ability to breath, I decided not to workout yesterday.  However, I replaced that time with some serious organizing and purging.  This is a healing process for me and energizes me for days/weeks to come.  I love to go through the house, get rid of the clutter, pass on things to others that we no longer use and organize what we have.  Even today I have experienced moments of true bliss when I have walked into the kitchen to see it so clean and orderly.  Even opening my pantry is a delightful experience.  Yes, I thrive on these things.

Today we decided to skip church and my morning workout.  I wanted some time to reconnect with my family.  We took the morning and all slept in pretty late.  That was a real treat for everyone because we usually need an alarm to wake up for an early morning activity.  It was a true delight to snuggle in bed with Kent for a few extra hours.  Heck I even had breakfast in bed this morning.  These are the moments that help to rejuvenate my spirit.

So with my mood lightened and feeling pretty good health wise, from the extra rest, I decided a workout was necessary before the day ended.  Tonight would have been my third day off this week from some type of exercise, and it just did not feel right.  Therefore, I moved my P90X workout from tomorrow morning to this evening.  Completing this workout ended the weekend on the perfect note!

This weekend was not the norm for our family, but it was a very welcome change of pace.  Kent and I got some time to reconnect and just be together without a lot of commitments.  We got to spend some quality time together as a family, and we all got some much needed rest.  This has left me feeling good, and I hope to carry this positive energy into my week ahead.  

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