Wednesday, September 24, 2014

An Adventure in Health

I have gotten a very in depth look at my body and its functioning these last few weeks.  At one point I commented to a nurse that I felt similar to a car when it goes into the mechanic.  However, cars have it so much easier.  If only the body had awesome warning lights like a car to alert us to some malfunction or a doctor could hook us up to a machine, similar to a car, and codes would instantly print out regarding what ails us.  It would certainly mean less tests, guessing and puzzle pieces to fit together.

My adventures started a few weeks ago when a pressure in the side of my head returned.  This was nothing new or special by itself, as this started to bother me about 10 years ago and occurs from time to time.  The new and more alarming symptom was numbness on the right side of my face and difficulty speaking.  It was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced.  At first I was not alarmed but very curious regarding what was happening.  When it became difficult to get my brain and mouth to work together I started to worry and after consulting some coworkers I went to the hospital.  There were a lot of tests in the ER and they decided to admit me into the hospital.  This would allow them to do more tests and observe me overnight.  It was definitely the most comprehensive exam/testing I have ever had.  The outcome showed no signs of a stroke and that was a huge relief.  However, the question of what it was still lingered.

Right before I was released from the hospital I met with a neurologist.  After discussing my medical history, my lifestyle and family history it seemed most likely a migraine variant.  I would have never guessed that they could take on these types of symptoms.  Scary stuff. I have talked to so many people since that time that suffer from similar and sometimes worse migraine variants. I have learned a lot about what these can tell us about our bodies and their functioning.  To say the least our bodies are amazing and slightly frightening.

I was able to follow up with my regular doctor last week and all the blood work in the hospital seemed OK except my blood sugar.  Darn it not wanting to be where it should be and stay there.  I have a long family history of diabetes, but surprisingly that is not the problem with mine.  My blood sugar tends to hang out in the 70s and when stressed or not eating regularly it can go much lower. This can result in many really annoying symptoms, and I had become very used to a lot of these.  However, I have become determined to learn more about ways to help stabilize this number and help reduce the results of it being low.  I hope to work with an endocrinologist soon to figure out what to eat and when so that I can help reduce these drops and minimize the really annoying side effects.

The final chapter in this adventure, so far, was a call from the doctor on Monday with more blood results.  She called to let me know that I have a gene mutation and another blood level off that puts me at a higher risk for stroke, blood clots and a few other exciting things.  Since my doctor was not really familiar with these results, she determined it would be best for me to see someone that would be more specialized in that area.  I learned that a coworker's stroke was due to the same blood results, and I learned quite a bit from her.  Now I begin the journey of finding the right doctor to work with to help me reduce my risks from this.

A few times in the last two weeks I have thought maybe I am overreacting to all this.  However, I have concluded that this all happened for a reason.  This has been a chance to bring my attention to these issues and get them addressed. I need to follow through with it.  I hope to find doctors that will help me balance my desire to do as much of the management naturally while eliminating as many of the risks to my overall health and wellness.

I have learned a few things through this adventure: there is no price placed on piece of mind, things happen for a reason, all these crazy symptoms have not been my imagination, I am not crazy (well, I am crazy but not as much so as I thought), and I have the power to help my body function at a more optimum level.  After all this is the only body I will be given. I work really hard to keep in great physical condition, but I need to stop ignoring some of the obvious signs that something else is not going quite as it should in there.  Time to take charge and get the right people to support me through the rest of this journey.

I hope this post finds you in good health or with the right partners in your journey to your most optimal health.

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