Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Did I Ever Live Without You??

Now that I have found you it seems like I must have felt like there was something missing without you in my life.  I remember a time I felt my life was complete without you, however, it has been made better because of your presence in it.  This statement applies to so many things in my life.

Three of the most important people in my life came at a time that I did not expect, but the amazing impact has been felt daily since their arrival.

When I first met Kent I was not interested in finding the man I was going to marry or even a serious relationship. However, I am grateful that there was a power at work that knew better and helped me open up to these possibilities. Kent continues to be a great partner in this journey through life.  I appreciate the relationship we have, the support he provides and the family we have created together.

With each of our children life has changed in the most amazing ways.  They have each been the best thing that has ever happened to me.  To become a parent changes your focus, provides new clarity and makes your life take on a new meaning.  They continue to amaze me each day through their growth, intelligence, independence and love.  They are definitely the most amazing gift, and I love that I get a front row seat as I watch them grow.  They also help keep my priorities in the right place.

Moving to Virginia was definitely not something we spent years planning or expected as part of our lives. There were a lot of concerns about how the children would adjust, how secure the job would be and leaving a place that was home to enter an unfamiliar land.  But as a family we decided to not look back and wonder about possibilities, but instead to change direction and see where it would lead us.  Great experiences have resulted from this move.

These are great examples of ways life takes you in new directions, oftentimes in unexpected ways.  Don't be scared to take that chance or make the change because it might be the best step you ever take.

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