Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Goodwill, Testosterone and a Fallen Tree Positively Impacted My Weekend

We spent a much needed weekend away from home, and as with most trips I awoke early each morning to workout.  This is a priority in my day for myself and for those that will be around me.  Everyone benefits from my workouts because of my happiness for the remainder of the day.  I am pleased to say that not only did I get to workout each day, but I even threw in some extra workouts.

When I say extra workouts I don't mean I spent more time in the gym.  These are workouts that I incorporated into my days.  With this lifestyle I find that my weekend days and vacation days are filled with thoughts of ways to get out and be active.  

On Saturday, my mom, sister and myself went shopping at the Goodwill Outlet for 3 hours.  And yes this really is a pretty strenuous workout.  Not only do you build muscles carrying 5-10 pounds of clothes on one arm, but you are strengthing the other arm as it sorts through piles of clothing.  My sister even commented the next day how sore her arm was from this adventure.  So there you have it.  Next time you are going shopping, skip the cart and carry your goods for an extra workout.

On Sunday my sister's church was doing a volunteer day out in the community.  Our first choice project, baking (not much of a workout), was full.  Therefore, we got sent to the Carolina Raptor Center.  After lunch we were given three choices for projects.  First choice was hauling away a fallen evergreen tree.  Second was pruning and cleaning around the visitors center and third was cleaning the trails.  As has been the case for a while now, my immediate choice was the tree.  Why??  Because it was the best possible strength and cardio workout.  My how things have changed.

Not too many years ago I avoided most manual labor, and now when given the choice I run toward it.  My mother and sister even commented about the fact that my eyes immediately lite up at the mention of the task of removing the tree.  I do have to admit I was pretty excited about the opportunity.

It turned out to be a good 2 hour workout of dragging very large limps, rolling and carrying large logs.  I got a great workout.  Sure I got a little scrapped and bruised, but it was a whole lot of fun.

One of the highlights of the tree clearing was watching a humorous display of testosterone at work.  I was the only woman that chose this task, so I was with a group of 5-6 men.  In the beginning it just us all working together clearing the area....then came the axe...I have learned that if you give a group of grown men an axe and a large tree they become beasts.  It was nothing short of a group of cavemen out there.  I could not help but stop and watch them at times.

I can't do the scene any justice, but they were using an axe to finish cutting a very large log that was left.  With each swing of the axe they came more alive.  Soon they were all around this large tree trunk coming up with ideas for moving it, logistics on cutting it and where they were going to put it.  It was one of the most entertaining things I have seen in a long time.  Best part... Kent was one of the most active and vocal members of this newly formed caveman tribe.  I saw a part of him that I don't think I knew existed.  I honestly thought at the end they would start stripping off their shirts and banging on their chests.  To see men in this element was priceless.

I guess sometimes it pays off to pick the manly project on volunteer day.  You never know what you will get to experience.

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