Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sometimes It's So Hard

Over the last few years exercise has been a routine part of my life.  There was never much question about whether I was going to do it and more about when it was going to fit into my day.  I have planned ahead each night by packing my workout clothes and mentally preparing for what my gym time would entail.  I have longed for the time spent lifting weights or a nice long cardio workout.  It is definitely something I have grown to love.  However, lately something has just not been right, and there has been a need to talk myself into going to the gym.  That has definitely not been normal for me.

When I feel great the workouts happen easily and without much thought.  However, lately something is just not right with me.  These weird headaches that come on fast and leave me exhausted have plagued my week, and I don't know how to describe it other than my body is just not in the right balance.  Therefore, I struggle to get myself to the gym, and the workouts have lost that zest they once had.  I know this will pass and the motivation will return.  It is just a matter of making it through this rough patch.

The difference between this me and the person I was 5 years ago is showing up even when it is not easy, convenient or there is no motivation to do it.  That seems to be the key to success on this journey.  You can't let excuses and the lack of perfect conditions keep you from the commitment to yourself.  Right now I may not be able to push myself as hard, but I won't give up.

I look forward to getting the excitement for my workouts back and regaining the focus I usually have for it.  In the meantime, I will keep myself accountable to my goals and get it done.

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