Friday, October 3, 2014

Time For Me

As a mother of two, wife and full time employee I sometimes forget about myself.  Yes I definitely remain focused on my workouts and try to not miss them; however, even that can start to feel like a chore in the long list of things that require my attention or time.

There are days where work takes all I feel like I have but upon arriving home it is apparent that my day is no where close to over.  I am grateful for the two amazing kids that require my attention in the evenings but sometimes it is hard to have the energy they deserve after a long day.  I feel like an awful mother, but the truth is that sometimes we can't do it all.

Therefore, today I am taking time to refocus, recharge and refresh myself.  Today is a PTO day that is not for a trip or the kids day off school.  Instead it is a day for me.  Things have been rough with work being so busy, kids activities at night and lots of financial stress.  I need a day to return to a place of balance.  That is my hope for today.

I have a vision for the path I want to take from here and it all goes back to a prayer that I remember hanging in my grandmothers house as a child.  I know you have all seen it, but we all could use a reminder of its meaning and the benefit it can have in our lives.  Today may you find it helpful for the struggles you face.

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