Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Being Thankful... Changing Lives

I have seen so many quotes lately about being happy with what you have and making the most of things.  I tend to believe that life has a lot to do with what you make of it.  This does not mean that bad things happen because you somehow wished them to. However, what you do with these things and how they impact you has a lot to do with your actions.  

I definitely have some room for improvement in various areas of my life, but I try to focus on being happy where I am on a particular day.  I may not weigh what I want to, have the best day at work, have the time I want with the kids and Kent, but I take that day as it is and make the best of it.  We can so easily get bogged down in all the things that aren't perfect about our lives or we can focus on the amazing gifts we are given each day.    

I got wrapped up years ago on the idea of what I felt would be the perfect childhood for my kids.  Since I grew up in the perfect neighborhood, with the perfect friends (yes ladies you were the best friends to grow up with EVER possible), I wanted them to have the same.  However, my images were not the reality for us for many reasons.  This upset me for a while and then I became aware that my kids were very happy. It was me who was making myself miserable because it was not the situation I had envisioned.  Sometimes adults just think too much.  If we shut up and stop thinking about it and listen to our children, we realize how happy and uncomplicated life can be sometimes.  

As adults we have responsibility, jobs to do, bills to pay, and sometimes all these things can be difficult or stressful.  I totally get this and have been guilty of letting these things overwhelm me completely; however, most, if not all of us, are blessed immensely. We have shelter, clothes, an overabundance of food, beds to sleep in, clean water to drink and family/friends that surround us with love.  There are people all over the world that live without these things each day.  They don't worry about bills that need to be paid or job stress because just figuring out how to feed their family is the priority or finding clean water to drink.  

It is amazing and sad the things we take for granted.  Next time you get upset about laundry not being done or stressed about finances, stop and think about the larger picture.  You are much more likely to find the right solution to whatever you are facing.  

Also, try to improve the lives of those that come into contact with you each day.  This can be a simple smile, an ear to listen, an empathetic voice or an unexpected solution.  I feel that making someone else's day better enhances mine.  Do something nice for someone today and see how it makes you feel.  You might be surprised how easily you make a profound difference in the lives of those around you.  

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