Monday, September 17, 2012

Friends Make The Journey Worth Travelling

Friends play various roles in our lives.  As friends we wear many hats.  Sometimes we are a cheerleader, a counselor, supporter or just someone to fill the silence.  I can't imagine my life without the amazing people I call my friends.  I find that they bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart just when I need it.  They are one of the greatest joys in life.

Throughout my weight loss journey my friends have been an integral part of my success. They have provided support, encouragement and helped me pick myself up when I have fallen off track.  Many have listened to or read countless recaps of workouts, stories about successes, slip-ups and milestones.  I am soo grateful to everyone.  Health and nutrition are some of my favorite subjects these days, so I talk about it A LOT.

One friend has taken on the role/mission to push me physically.  This is the person you love and hate at the same time.  They plant that seed of what seems impossible into your head and push just enough to get you to start contemplating the completion of the task.  At first you laugh and tell them, "sure I will complete that sometime before I die."  But it is not too much longer before you find yourself meeting the challenge.

Tonight's challenge= 100 burpees. (keep in mind my burpees are modified) Still I laughed pretty darn hard when this was first mentioned.  Since I was already 20 minutes into my 45 minute cardio workout, I figured I would take on that challenge another day.  However, like usual my brain had other ideas.  On the way home the thought of completing it just got more and more important to me.  Shortly after getting home, I started on the task. I am happy to report although not beautiful I completed 100 modified burpees.  I might not be able to walk tomorrow, but felt good to accomplish it. Many thanks to my crazy friend that believes I can do WAY more than I think I can.

Not necessarily as extreme or related to physical challenges, but everyone needs someone like this person in their life.  We all need someone that helps us look beyond the limits we have set.  I find there are many mental barriers created completely by me.  I don't often push myself beyond my limits, but there is something about a challenge presented to me that makes me dig deeper and work harder.  I guess the satisfaction of completing it is pretty motivating.  I can't say enough to this friend and all the others for all the ways they support me, encourage me and push me.  I could not do it without them, nor do I want to.  This journey is much more fun accompanied by friends.  Whatever path you take in life, may you always find friendly faces along the way.

***On a side note, Cate joined me for the first 30 or so burpees.  She is such an awesome kid and so inspired by my hard work.  I love it!!!***

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