Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh It Hurts So Good!!!

I was so happy to wake up and be able to get out of bed this morning without any discomfort.  Not time for a celebration yet though!!  It is usually two days after the intense workout that I become intimately acquainted with all the muscles that were utilized.  I am usually intrigued by the use of a new muscle in a workout because you just forget about some muscles until they are sore.  It is similar to the feeling that presents itself after the stomach flu.  "Wow I have that many muscles in my abs," is usually the first thought after the horrible flu symptoms have subsided.  Similar are the sore muscles after these workouts, exciting surprises with every move.  It just sounds like something you want to go out and experience, doesn't it.

Although I am not a real lover of pain, this feeling is something I find myself missing.  I have gone weeks worth of workouts without any muscle soreness at all and I will find myself drawn to a workout that gets those muscles working, changing and developing.  I love to sweat, and I love to be sore from a workout.  Both represent hard work for me.  I thrive on feeling that the time I spend exercising is time well spent.  I do try to remember to give my body some recovery time.  Although I like to push myself, I try to remember to balance.  I am sure some of you will be shocked, but balance is not something I do well.

I will never forget the first time I was really sore from a workout.  It was the first circuit class I completed at work.  It was with the trainer that would quickly become my favorite.  She was always so nice, sweet AND would kill you in a workout.  I think it was that soft, sweet demeanor that tricked you into not realizing how horrid you were going to feel in a few days.  She was always great at pushing me to places I never thought were possible.

So back to that first circuit class.  It might have been the first time meeting her, but she certainly wanted to make sure I would not forget her.  The class was on a Friday and I vividly remember not being able to sit down all weekend.  I am pretty sure I was still walking weird when I returned to work on Monday.  The crazy thing is that I went back for more, week after week.  My old coworkers can tel you there were a lot of days I waddled into work in the beginning of this weight loss journey. People eventually stopped questioning the fact that I was walking like a zombie or someone with a sprained ankle.  It was just Molly recovering from a recent workout. After some time of experiencing the sore muscles from these classes, I did learn that not using the sore muscles was not the right solution.  You need to keep yourself moving and hydrate yourself.  These help the lactic acid move off the muscles and for you to feel better.

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