Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello My Name is Molly and I am....

Nope I am not an alcoholic, but sometimes I feel like food has been an addiction for years of my life.  I can't remember a time in my life where food was just food to me.  It has been something that provided comfort when I was upset, entertained me when bored, was the center of a social gathering or a way to celebrate an accomplishment.  I have become very aware of all the roles food plays in my life. I have also learned a lot about exercise and the role it must play in my life to have overall health. I don't claim to have this thing all figured out, but I want to share my journey.

I have been overweight for the majority of my 36 years.  I can remember as far back as elementary school being weighed and the horrible feeling of being the kid over 100 pounds.  I was on Weight Watchers in high school and did crash diets to lose weight.  My weight has been a struggle for a long time.

Three years ago my company started a program called Biggest Loser.  It was exactly what I needed to get me headed in the right direction.  I had lost some weight from my heaviest of 298, but I was headed back in the wrong direction.  With the help of some amazing friends, family and trainers I started down a new path in September 2009.  It has not always been easy, I have not kept every pound off, but something has definitely changed.

In the winter of 2010 I completed the second year of Biggest Loser with a second place finish.  I was down to 178 pounds.  This was a 120 pound loss from a little less than three years prior.  I had also completed a half marathon and was preparing for my second one.  I had exercised at least 4-5 days a week for over a year.  Things were great!

In the summer of 2011 we had a major life change.  I took a new position with my company and moved my family to Virginia.  I had already put back on some weight while preparing for the move, but I was determined to not let the move affect my new lifestyle.  This was successful for a while, but all the changes, trying to set up a new routine, stress of living a new place won.  I stopped working out and started to gain weight.  However, there was still this voice in my head reminding me of what I should be doing.  That voice was something new, and I felt it would not go away until I did something about it.

Unfortunately, that day did not come soon enough.  I got up to 215 before I could not stand to buy another size larger clothes.  I went through my closet and made a stack of all the clothes there were now too small.  It was a huge stack and a gigantic motivator.

In April of this year I decided to turn things around.  I was determined to fit a workout into my day, whether it was at lunchtime, after work or before my day started.  I have been back on the right path for roughly five months.  There have definitely been some speed bumps and detours.  Those things are going to be there, but I have learned the hard way that you must allow yourself to mess up and just return right to where you veered off.

I hope to share my challenges, successes, tips and stories about my journey.  May they bring you joy, strength and some encouragement in whatever you struggle to achieve.

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