Saturday, September 22, 2012

If Only I Could Bottle This...

We are all looking for that perfect weight loss pill, that magic potion that makes us resist temptations, the motivation to stay on track with exercise.  Well, I am really happy to report that I have found it!!!!

I am exercising 6 days a week.  Even when the workout does not happen at the time it was scheduled, I am fitting it in at another opportunity.  Two days this week I missed working out before Kent went to work.  Since this eliminates the possibility of visiting the gym, I have to work out at home.  This can be a challenge to make happen and at many points in my life a workout at home would have NEVER happened.  Once I was home, that meant I was done with all physical activity for the day.  However, the two days this week were different.  I felt there was unfinished business, and I could not rest until the workout was done.   Today's was especially intense, but I feel so much better with it completed.

I don't know where this voice inside my head hides out at times, but she is there now.  She reminds me about how much better I will feel if I get a workout done.  And she stays at it until I get it done.  At times she even comes up with a pretty intense routine to help me feel I really accomplished something good.

I am tracking my food and being very conscious of my calorie and nutritional intake everyday.  I have been planning ahead for when we will be out of the house so I don't make the wrong food choices because of hunger.  When faced with a temptation I am resisting it.

I was truly amazed by my will power tonight.  The kids really wanted pizza, and that is a food that I often can't resist.  Luckily Kent works for that pizza place I don't like; therefore, it is not usually around much.  When we went to pick it up tonight it smelled like heaven in a box.  My mind kept telling me I should just have a few slices, whats the big deal.  Then another one was telling me I would wake up having gained 4 pounds.  To my own amazement, the second voice won.  I came home, immediately made a large taco salad and that was my dinner.  The kids enjoyed their pizza, and I did not have the guilt of giving in to the wrong food choice. 

Another thing that seems to be helping with food choices is the fact that I have started weighing myself everyday.  I know this is stupid and I have never been an advocate for doing it, but I find it makes me much more accountable to my food choices.  I don't want to step on that scale tomorrow and see that I have ballooned up in fluid from that pizza.  Not that I think it is the best thing to weigh yourself everyday, it is certainly working for me.

So, what is the secret???  I have NO idea.  I always use the analogy that it is a switch that flips.  I have absolutely no idea what flips the switch on, what causes it to stay in that position and what causes it to flip back off.  

If I locate this amazing thing that has caused me to eat the right foods, exercise and track everything, I promise to share it.  In the meantime, I will just hope it sticks around forever.  It certainly makes things a whole lot easier.

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